Before commissioning the system, a dry-out procedure should be performed to improve the quality of the applied refractory and to detect any potential difficulties. To avoid refractory damage due to fast heating, drying implies emptying the water inside the refractory with a regulated heating rate.
With our expert technical staff and equipment, we undertake dry-out operations in compliance with international standards. Temperature readings are acquired with thermocouples from a variety of locations, and the system’s temperature distribution is kept under control. Before each work, we calibrate and certify the thermocouples we use for temperature control. External combustion chambers are used at critical places to keep the refractory from coming into contact with the flame. Our organization provides the following services throughout the drying process:
- Installation of gasoline lines
- Supply of fuel tanks
- Installing electricity lines
- Dry-out burner installation, maintenance, and operation.
- Supply of thermocouple and lines
- Installation of electronic control systems
- Provision of fire protection and other occupational safety equipment
- Availability of necessary material and equipment spares
- Mechanical assembly processes required for Dry-Out
- Establishment and use of measurement, recording, and control systems
- Provision of fire protection and other occupational safety equipment
Documentation and dry-out final reports are generated and sent to you after the dry-out.
We may also create custom drying techniques based on your requirements.