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In refineries, refractory applications are quite important.

Refinery-specific refractory application technologies include a wide range of options. During refractory applications in the refinery, all quality requirements are scrupulously observed, and all quality control tests are completed properly. Our skilled staff performs refractory dismantling, refractory application, and anchor welding with the expertise and experience of working in refineries, which are considered high-risk environments.

All of the refinery’s machinery and equipment complies with international standards. All equipment is inspected and recorded on a regular basis.

Our business constructs all scaffolds necessary for refractory applications. Scaffolding is built to international standards under the supervision of scaffolding engineers with extensive experience in the industry. The current scaffoldings are subjected to daily quality check.

We have skilled employees and equipment at Refiz to properly dry various systems following refractory applications, ranging from cooler collectors to furnaces.

All equipment inspections are completed on schedule and are recorded.

Refiz firması olarak, yapılan refrakter uygulamalarından sonra, soğutucu toplayıcılardan fırınlara kadar farklı sistemleri başarıyla kurutacak profesyonel kadro ve ekipmana sahibiz.
